Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Newsflash: Forefathers Bequeath Paradox

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion…”
The first amendment of the Bill of Rights is as follows:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

The United States contains within its borders many articles of artwork, including multitudes of religious artifacts, architecture, paintings, statues, etc. The Bill of Rights clearly states that the United States has no official religion. Yet, citizens, visitors, and onlookers from other nations are all in this state of “religious anomie.” It is written quite plainly in English and yet still, people and mass groups of people gather in person and in thought to the confusion of the separation of church and state. The United States is supposed to be the one country in all of the world where technology meets opportunity hence: “The American Dream.”

Some would argue that the Federal reserve recognizes God (for all intents and purposes in this paper to be recognized as the “one true God”, the God of Adam, the God of Abraham, the God of Moses, the God of Mohammed, and God the Father). The coinage as well as paper money manufactured by the Government agency known as the Federal Reserve clearly states upon them “IN GOD WE TRUST”. Does this mean that the United States recognizes this God as the official position on religion for all of our country? NO! It does not. What this says is the following:

Congress passed the “Coinage Act (1864)”, April 22, 1864. This legislation changed the composition of the one-cent coin and authorized the minting of the two-cent coin. The Mint Director was directed to develop the designs for these coins for final approval of the Secretary. In God We Trust first appeared on the 1864 two-cent coin (Wikipedia)(US Treasury Dept.).
As the intelligent human beings and Americans that we all are we should be asking ourselves the same thing that a judge of the United States is required to ask of him or herself while “on duty”. What was the intent of this judgement? What was the original intent of Congress when they passed the Coinage Act of 1864? What brought it to their attention to begin with? I implore you to read the rather lengthy, but extremely important, piece of American history:
From the United States Treasury Dept. records, it appears that the first such appeal came in a letter dated November 13, 1861. It was written to Secretary Chase by Rev. M. R. Watkinson, Minister of the Gospel from Ridleyville, Pennsylvania, and read:
Dear Sir: You are about to submit your annual report to the Congress respecting the affairs of the national finances. One fact touching our currency has hitherto been seriously overlooked. I mean the recognition of the Almighty God in some form on our coins. You are probably a Christian. What if our Republic were not shattered beyond reconstruction? Would not the antiquaries of succeeding centuries rightly reason from our past that we were a heathen nation? What I propose is that instead of the goddess of liberty we shall have next inside the 13 stars a ring inscribed with the words PERPETUAL UNION; within the ring the all-seeing eye, crowned with a halo; beneath this eye the American flag, bearing in its field stars equal to the number of the States united; in the folds of the bars the words GOD, LIBERTY, LAW. This would make a beautiful coin, to which no possible citizen could object. This would relieve us from the ignominy of heathenism. This would place us openly under the Divine protection we have personally claimed. From my hearth I have felt our national shame in disowning God as not the least of our present national disasters. To you first I address a subject that must be agitated.
As a result, Secretary Chase instructed James Pollock, Director of the Mint at Philadelphia, to prepare a motto, in a letter dated November 20, 1861:
Dear Sir: No nation can be strong except in the strength of God, or safe except in His defense. The trust of our people in God should be declared on our national coins. You will cause a device to be prepared without unnecessary delay with a motto expressing in the fewest and tersest words possible this national recognition.
It was found that the Act of Congress dated January 18, 1837, prescribed the mottoes and devices that should be placed upon the coins of the United States. This meant that the mint could make no changes without the enactment of additional legislation by Congress. In December 1863, the Director of the Mint submitted designs for a new one-cent coin, two-cent coin, and three-cent coin to Secretary Chase for approval. He proposed that upon the designs either OUR COUNTRY, OUR GOD or GOD, OUR TRUST should appear as the motto on the coins. In a letter to the Mint Director on December 9, 1863, Secretary Chase stated:
I approve your mottoes, only suggesting that on that with the Washington obverse the motto should begin with the word OUR, so as to read OUR GOD AND OUR COUNTRY. And on that with the shield, it should be changed so as to read: IN GOD WE TRUST.

The Ten Commandments have a right to be displayed in places of government offices. Just as the artwork of ancient Greeks and their religious beliefs form so many of our buildings and structures, so does the artwork of more modern traditions and beliefs have a right to be upheld within any building, structure, mall, government office, or even the White House itself. Just as the state of Kansas has officially redefined the term science to include the word “supernatural” in its definition in order to legally teach the theory of Creationism in their public schools, so should the American public be aware. The arguing, chaos, and the confusion with the separation of church and state are self-inflicted. Just as Kansas is inadvertently inviting people of all religious beliefs and supernatural practices to be legally welcome to practice and display openly their religious structures, ideas, and practices, so will it be for the rest of America. There will be a new-age “witch hunt” on our hands with no legal ground to back any of it up. The ideas and beliefs known as paganism will be legally acceptable under this sort of law. This was not the direct intention of the state of Kansas. However, there are many doors that open when one sees that the doors exist. Is America ready to see? And is America ready to accept people and their beliefs unconditionally when they are not exactly the same as what they were taught? I hope so. I have friends of many different religious beliefs and ideals. I would hate to think that I missed out on the blessedness of the essence of their souls just because I was a Catholic or Protestant or whatever genre Neo-Christian and was not able to "love my neighbor as I would love myself."

Things that make you go Hmmmmm!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, I can hardly believe that no one has posted a comment for this entry, yet!

Your entry is titled well. I am perplexed by the position of the U.S. government on many topics (such as the "In God We Trust" on U.S. money) and I thought there was supposed to be a "Separation of Church and State" principle that seems to be impotent.

But you may have given me an important clue: FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM. That does give me the... Hmmm...

Kudos on a your blog design and layout as well as for this article, of course.