Wednesday, September 21, 2005

That Heat

That heat
That same heat
That same heat which causes
My body to tremble
And my toes to curl.
I am no longer the helmsman.
I am merely at the mercy
Of the wave.
That wave
That wave of heat
That wave of heat reminating
To my hands and toes
From the centermost origin of heat.
I hold on tightly
As my whole
Body shakes and trembles.
Air escapes me as
All of my muscles contract.
Leaving my lungs
Gasping for air.
Buried in your chest, I feel
Your hands in my hair and
I can feel the warmth
Of affection bring with it
A peaceful aura of contentment
All of these things and many others collectively
Form an overwhelming, all-consuming emotion
The dimple on your cheeks
The twinkle in your eye
The touch of your hand
Is all that I can stand
Before I…

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