Matt-Matt has had aspirations of becoming a professional chef since he was 6yrs old. (Yea! Iron Chef America!)
Here he is having his first attitude bruising my ribs just one month before he was born--------->
Oh baby! he was 9 lbs and 14 1/4 oz. That kid belly laughed out loud in the hospital. Which granted, we were there a week. (I had been in a minor car accident at 7months which caused me a few complications)
Matthew is absolutely a funny kid. He's another little genius child as well! When he was in Mrs. Winters' class in 5th grade they were reading a book called "The Whipping Boy." In this story there apparently is a character that goes by the name, "The potato man." Well, Matthew being the shy, quiet, and introverted child that he is (not!) he dubbed himself "The Potato Boy." He would write things on the board signed the potato boy. Not anything bad, mind you. He would write things like "do your homework says the potato boy!" or "I'm watching you-- The potato." Mrs. Winters was really great about it because it was encouraging the children to get into the story. So I think she kind of encouraged it. She has a little girl named Tristan who at the time was like 4 yrs old. All that year Matthew had a new little shadow named Tristan. She loved to play with Matt Matt. And of course, all that year Matthew would come home and ask me for a baby sister!! Not gonna happen! We already had his little brother Garrett and this baby making factory is shut down!!

<--------Here is little Beetlejuice (Matthew) and Pumpkinhead (Jacob) when they were 18 months and 3 1/2 yrs old. They have absolutely been hilarious funny little critters! Every holiday is an absolute joy! The boys just make everything so worth while. These people that don't celebrate Halloween because it's "evil" (insert evil laugh here wahahaha!!!) are sooo missing out! Picking out costumes, making costumes, getting all dressed up, going to parties, going on hayrides, hay mazes, pumpkin patches, pumpkin carving, making spoooooky halloween cookies, making caramel apples, rice crispy treats, playing spooky games, going trick or treating, and then digging through the mound of candy is all so much fun to do with your children!! It's not about evil stuff. It's about celebrating the lives of those since passed, celebrating your own lives by living life to the fullest and with the most joy and rewards.

Matthew is so full of life. He loves to laugh and to make others laugh. He is just a little comedian. He is an excellent trumpet player. He is going to be trying out for High School MEOBDA Honor Jazz Band soon. He's only in 7th grade (Which at Sperry is not yet high school band.) I just know he will do well.
He doesn't like for me to know about his love life, but I think he has a girlfriend who is also in band. I have my motherly ways of just knowing things. He still doesn't like it. He'll just have to get used to it. This is my kid that likes to stay up with me and have heart to heart talks for as long as I will let him stay up. I always cherish those times! He likes to skate (on a skateboard). I guess I'm showing my age. Skating to me is when you have skates on that have four wheels on each foot. Yet again, the times they are achangin'.
There's a little bit to get you started about Matthew. You'll get to know all about Garrett next time.
"Stick it to the man!"~~in memory of Jay Wedlake